Yabsira Ayele
I wanted to better learn about social entrepreneurship and strong networking skills necessary to have a great career and life as a whole. I want to be the bestt person, I can be for me and everyone else.
Washington, DC
Psychology & Business Administration
DFE Location
Dorchester, Massachusetts
DFE Abstract
Yabsira Ayele spent the summer of 2018 working for Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation as a community organizing intern. In his time at Dorchester Bay, he had the opportunity to learn about different ways to mitigate conflict and create systems and protocols to enhance the department. This summer he created a logic model for a leadership curriculum, a database for organizational accuracy of the successful prison re-entry program. He also created a process to better recognize revenue recognition. He also had the opportunity to facilitate meetings, some of which involved meetings to prevent tenants from eviction. Yabsira’s primary advisor was Dr. Wayne Messer and Dr. Jill Bouma was his secondary advisor.