Samantha Drew

I want to learn, and gain skills that will not only give me a more successful future but also those that I come in contact with. I love helping others and I know that through EPG I can have the opportunity to do that in ways that I have not yet experienced. I am excited to grow as a person and to be challenged along the way all while being a part of EPG.
Irvine, KY
DFE Location
Upper Peninsula, Michigan
DFE Abstract
Samantha Paisley (Drew) spent 9 weeks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, shortly called the UP, as an intern at a ministerial non-profit called EncouragementLink. Here she worked with a fellow Berea College student Katie Kincaid, and the co-founders Janna and David Winkowitsch. The founders saw that the community members needed more encouragement in their daily lives and links to other like-minded people in the community. Thus, EncouragementLink was founded and developed to help combat this social, mental and spiritual isolation that takes place in the UP. As an intern, Samantha supported their goal as a non-profit and learned the ins and outs of how a policy governed non-profit in a rural community thrives. This work happened by immersing herself in their programs and the community through relationships and events. Doing so, she developed and taught the content for their summer camp program called Camp Elijah, which is aimed at the local students. As a religion and child & family studies double major and under the supervision of the co-founders, Samantha received hands-on experience in program facilitation, community networking and gained understanding in non-profit development.