Holden Dillman
Somerset, KY
DFE Location
GrowNYC, New York, NY
DFE Abstract
Holden Dillman, a junior majoring in Sustainable Community Design, for thirteen weeks in the summer of 2015, worked at GrowNYC under the supervision of Michael Zamm. GrowNYC is a hands-on non-profit which aims to improves New York City's quality of life through environmental programs that transform communities block by block and empower all New Yorkers to secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations. Holden gained hands on experience by assisting Michael Zamm with curriculum development and research, as well as instructing in the New York City Schools. His primary supervisor was Dr. Billy Wooten and Dr. Peter Hackbert was his secondary supervisor. During Holden’s presentation, he will share his learning and growth experience related to the EPG abilities that he acquired at GrowNYC.