Evelyn Perler-Tomboly

EPG first caught my eye because I wanted to find something constructive and creative to do over the summer. Instead of going home and working at Kroger for 50 hours a week, I wanted to do something that would allow me to build skills, make professional relationships and help guide me into my future at Berea and beyond. When I learned about EPG and entrepreneurship, I thought it was impressive and something I wanted to push myself into. I was fascinated with the idea of creating interesting and successful projects. I am especially excited to work with a diverse group of people, especially young people, and confront challenges as a team.
Berea, KY
DFE Location
Lexington, Kentucky
DFE Abstract
Evy Perler-Tomboly spent ten weeks in the summer of 2018 as a research assistant with the Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (KBRIN) at the University of Kentucky. KBRIN’s goal is to develop a sustainable community of biomedical research and training in Kentucky. Evy was assigned to a neuroendocrinology lab run by Dr. Jessica Santollo. The summer’s research focused on hormonal based differences in dehydration-induced cognitive impairment. Evy gained invaluable experience performing gonadal surgeries as well as perfusions on the lab rats. At the end of her experience at University of Kentucky, Evy presented on her research to the KBRIN program. Evy is a pre-med Neuroscience major. Her primary advisor was Dr. Wayne Messer and her secondary advisor was Dr. Peter Hackbert.