Destiny Goodson

Honaker, VA
Political Science
DFE Location
Southwest region of Virginia
DFE Abstract
Destiny Goodson spent thirteen weeks in the summer of 2019 interning in the Virginia Delegate Todd Pillion office. Dr. Pillion, in addition to owning his own dentistry, has currently served the 4th district of Virginia since 2014 and is currently running on the Republican ticket for the upcoming 40th District Virginia Senate election. Destiny has spent the majority of her life in these districts and used this as an opportunity to serve the people of her home area. Under the supervision of Legislative Aid Tyler Little, Destiny was able to accomplish an array of projects as an Administrative Assistant. Destiny performed hands-on community and constituent work, legislative and policy research, and campaigning activities. Destiny gained a unique experience and discovered the logistics of what it takes to serve the people of Southwestern Virginia. As a political science major, Destiny got a first-hand experience of local policy making as well as a deeper understanding of the Virginia democratic process. Destiny’s advisors were Dr. John Heyrman, associate professor in the Political Science Department and Dr. Peter Hackbert, Director of the Entrepreneurship for the Public Good program.