Monica Powell
Springhill, TN
DFE Location
Earthship Biotecture, Taos, NM
DFE Abstract
Monica spent ten weeks in the summer of 2015 as an intern at Earthship Biotecture in Tres Piedras, New Mexico. Earthship Biotecture creates construction drawings that are designed to meet standard building code requirements so one can get a permit no matter where you are. Earthships are green buildings that meet standard building codes. As a Biology major, Monica gained experience studying sustainable living methods, in particular the construction of Cob and Earthship buildings that provide solar-powered electricity, potable water, contained sewage treatment, and organic food production. This internship was designed with the support of the Entrepreneurship for the Public Good program, lead by Dr. Peter Hackbert, to aid in active learning outside of the classroom and into the career world. Monica’s primary supervisor was Dr. Peter Hackbert and Dr. Megan Hoffman was the secondary supervisor. During Monica’s presentation, she will share her learning and growth experience related to the EPG abilities that she acquired at Earthship Biotecture.