Caroline Hughes
Burnsville, NC
DFE Location
The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning, Lexington, KY
DFE Abstract
Caroline spent ten weeks in the summer of 2015 as an intern at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning in Lexington, Kentucky. The Carnegie Center is devoted to educational outreach and promoting the literary arts through tutoring, writing classes, and events. Under the supervision of Laura Whitaker and Jennifer Mattox, Caroline gained experience in preparing for events, grant writing for funding literary arts programs, and assessing user evaluations from those programs. As a literary arts intern, Caroline also participated in writing groups and literary arts programming meetings. Her primary supervisor was Dr. Libby Jones, and Dr. Peter Hackbert was the secondary supervisor. During Caroline’s presentation, she shared her learning and growth experience related to the EPG abilities that she acquired at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning.