Thomas Downer
Greenville, SC
DFE Location
Bluegrass Reentry Council and Mission Beyond Bars
DFE Abstract
For 10 weeks during his summer Directed Field Experience, Thomas interned for Bluegrass reentry council in Lexington, KY. The Bluegrass Re-entry Council is an organization that seeks to mitigate the issues of ex-offenders’ re-entry into society via collaborative efforts, educational trainings, and network opportunities. Thomas also interned with Mission Beyond Bars (MBB). MBB is an organization that creates and fosters a support group for ex-offenders. He is sponsored by EPG Director, Dr. Peter Hackbert and his Academic Advisor, Dr.Verlaine McDonald. During his time, heworked for the Board of both organizations where he conducted, recorded, and analyzed research on Best Practices for Reentry; assisted in planning the yearly trainings; and Created a social media marketing/ recruitment strategy. This experience provided an opportunity for Thomas to expand his research skills, Social Media abilities, and entrepreneurship leadership abilities. Thomas is from Greenville, SC and he is a senior Communication major.