R'mon Harvell

I joined EPG as a way to strengthen my thinking as an entrepreneur. I intend on becoming an entrepreneur after college and EPG will instill social entrepreneur characteristics within me that will strengthen my overall character .
Cleveland, OH
Business: Admin, African American Studies
DFE Location
Berea, Kentucky
DFE Abstract
R’Mon Harvell spent eight weeks in the summer of 2018 as an intern at the City of Berea’s Economic Development Department. The Economic Development Department strives to create and sustain new economic activity within Berea, Kentucky. This is done through several acts of services that are promoted to both local entrepreneurs and community members. As an Economic Development Assistant, R’Mon analyzed the workforce environment of Madison County and other relatively close counties to better position Berea as being an attractive location for local entrepreneurs to locate. In addition to research, R’Mon was able to help conduct and promote city-orchestrated seminars and workshops. Furthermore, he was able to have intimate interactions with local entrepreneurs and obtain a better understanding of the logistics of a city government work life. The Economic Development Department is driven towards further progression of the economic activity within Berea, Kentucky and shows this initiative by promoting and partnering with local entrepreneurs to better help the community. With a major in Business Administration, R’Mon was able to apply many of the concepts he learned in an academic setting, in a professional workplace setting. Under the supervision of Danny Isaacs and Beth Myers, he received hands-on experience as an Economic Development Assistant. R’Mon’s primary advisor was Dr. David Guggenheim and Peter Hackbert was his secondary advisor.