Julia Roberts

I joined EPG because I want to be a change maker. Through Dr. Hackbert’s GSTR class, I learned about social entrepreneurship and design thinking and realized that being an entrepreneur was my aspiration, I simply did not have the words to solidify it. I have always been passionate about service and helping others, and I became a Business Major in order to work in adapting and enhancing the nonprofit sector. I believe the Entrepreneurship for the Public Good program will give me the skills and concepts I need to achieve this vision. I want to be a servant leader for change.
Warsaw, OH
Business Administration/Sustainability and Environment
DFE Location
Tunis, Tunisia
DFE Abstract
Julia Roberts spent nine weeks in the summer of 2018 as an intern at Les Scouts Tunisiens in Tunis, Tunisia. Les Scouts Tunisiens, also known as the Tunisian Scout Association, is the largest youth program in Tunisia, home to 40,000+ Brownies, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Rangers, and Rovers. The Association is for youth ages 4-26, and their wide variety of programs cover everything from campcraft, to advocacy and civic engagement, to sponsoring young entrepreneurs. As an intern, Julia provided administrative assistance at Scouting events locally, nationally, and internationally. She assisted in writing and editing English documents for the organization, gathered resources for grant opportunities and UNHCR workshops, and traveled to a variety of cities to meet with local Scout units of all ages. Under the supervision of Maher Trabelsi and Bassem Bouchalaa, Julia received hands-on experience in youth facilitation, community outreach, and international program and partnership organization, particularly through the Scouts’ Tunisian/Danish partnership known as the Future Leaders program. Julia’s primary supervisor was Dr. Richard Hale, and Dr. Peter Hackbert was her secondary supervisor.