Jose Socarras

Louisville, KY
Studio Art
DFE Location
Berea, Kentucky
DFE Abstract
Jose Socarras spent 8 weeks in the summer of 2019 as a research assistant alongside Professor Daniel Feinberg and Professor Meghan Doherty. The goal of the research was to seek new approaches to create a catalyst for dialogue and action regarding the decolonization of institutional spaces. Jose was tasked with visiting and researching various institutional spaces at Berea College and the University of Kentucky in order to further understand the colonization of institutional spaces. After extensive research, Jose aided in the design and fabrication of multiple sculptural pieces that served as an interactive way to approach new concepts of spatial decolonization. The sculptures that Jose helped to create were displayed in an exhibition at Berea College’s Doris Ulmann Gallery. Jose is an art major with a concentration in sculpture. During his DFE presentation, Jose discussed the impact that institutional spaces can have on individuals subjected to them and the importance of decolonization.