Jonathan Rios

DFE Location
DFE Abstract
For eleven weeks as part of his second summer EPG DFE Experience,Jonathan Rios a Senior Economics major from El Salvador interned at Salauno, one of Mexico’s top health startups and hand-on-hand worked with two of Mexico’s top Entrepreneurs. SalaUno is a for profit ophthalmologic clinic with the goal of ending needless blindness in Mexico; their innovative model fueled by economies of scale, efficient processes, and alliances permits them to provide quality services to those at inhabit Bottom of the Pyramid. Drawing from his one year research and field work preparation including volunteering in LV Prasad Eye Institute in India, he embarked on SalaUno outreach Vision Center project and also the Optics Shop restructure with the goal of driving more traffic for the main clinic, making outreach activities sustainable and creating a new source of revenue for the company. Jonathan gained insight on the what it meanest to start, develop and grow for profit social driven company , replicating and adapting business models to other countries’ context, and took advantage of the many network opportunities. His intern site supervisor were Abel Garcia and Sebastian Rodriguez. His Primary Sponsor was Dr. Volker Grzimek from his home department and his secondary was Dr. Peter Hackbert.