Breanna Schadler-Walker

Owenton, KY
Child and Family Studies
DFE Location
Berea, Kentucky
DFE Abstract
Breanna Schadler-Walker spent the summer of 2020 taking classes; Foundation of Peace and Social Justice, and Cross-Cultural Perspective Family. In addition, Breanna was able to gain insight on how to properly clean and sanitize during the pandemic while working on-campus as a Facilities Assistant in Danforth Residence Hall. After the college canceled the study abroad and paid internships programs, the summer quickly became a scramble and there was more pressure about how to make the most of the limited summertime that was left. Breanna had to think on her feet and make the most of her summer for her family. Breanna used this time as an opportunity to learn more about herself, her partner, her future, and her community. In her presentation, Breanna discussed how EPG skills helped her to maneuver through a summer of challenges and uncertainty and led her to make important decisions about her future.